Residential Painting

Transforming Houses into Personal Sanctuaries

From ancient cave paintings to renaissance masterpieces, the art of painting has evolved through the ages, leaving a colorful, indelible mark on human history. In modern times, the practice of painting has extended into and around our homes, transforming ordinary spaces into personal sanctuaries. Your home is a canvas with which to express your personality, and with which to nudge your mood as you go about living within your home. With the colder weather, we typically find ourselves inside more often; the subsequent reduced exposure to sunlight and fresh air can have a dramatic effect on mood, but a freshly painted bedroom can help boost your mood from the moment you open your eyes each day. How about that dull hallway that sometimes feels spooky as the eyes get lost in the expanding stretch of a random shade of white on three sides… let’s get that hallway painted with something a little livelier. Are you finding it hard to focus while working in your home office because it feels exactly like the rest of your home? A fresh coat of paint can give any space an entirely new theme, allowing you to set the mood to fit the function. Your painting project could be the start of a new perspective.

Whether you’re yearning for a cozy bedroom retreat, a playful nursery, or a more compelling space, Surface Work can take the hassle out of painting and enable you to effortlessly transform your home to fit your needs as they change over time; and, with years of painting experience, combined with an unrelenting commitment to quality workmanship, you can always expect results that will impress!

Due to the unique nature of each painting project, quotes are done in-person. Please reach out to see what Surface Work can do to make your home an even more comfortable place to live!